Holiday calendar
The holiday calendars are managed in this mask. The calendars are displayed in the menu. The holiday days settings are made with the HS/FS running. The holiday calendar is taken into account in the universal timers and represents a time period. The holiday begins on the start date at 0:00:00 and ends on the end date at 23:59:59. Overlaps do not have any effect. The holiday calendar and the assigned holiday days are saved retentively in the HS/FS.




The holiday calendar is maintained under this term in the HS/FS (e.g. Summer holidays).
Holiday calendars can be searched via the end point interface, where a word from the designation begins with the search word used there.

1.2.End point

Holiday calendars can be accessed via the end point interface of the HS/FS.
There is a description of the call parameters here.
Any holiday calendar can of course be used instead of the holiday calendar used in all the call-up examples in the following table.

Placeholders are specified in UPPER CASE.


metaRetrieval of metadata of the holiday calendar.
getRetrieval of a calendar.
setSetting a calendar (example: Calendar is activated, the time period is 03.07.2017 until 11.08.2017).


The value entered here forms the unique object keyof the end point, together with the fixed prefix "VC", with which the ID is connected by an '@' character.
Permitted characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen ("-") and underscore ("_")!
A meaningful description of the holiday calendar.
Holiday calendars can be searched via the end point interface, where a word from the description begins with the search word used there.
A list of terms, separated by commas (",").
Holiday calendars can be searched via the end point interface, where an individual tag completely matches the search word used there.
Permitted characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen ("-") and underscore ("_")!
User groups
This item is only available when user groups have been activated!
User groups can be authorised to access this holiday calendar for reading (left column) and/or writing (right column) via the end point interface.