Camera archive
Individual images from a camera are archived in a camera archive. These are shown in the Camera archive menu mask and by calling up the camera archive via the visualisation.
The maximum size of a camera archive is determined by the two parameters "Ring memory" and "Max. memory (bytes)". The value that is reached first in each case limits the size of the archive.
The archives are saved retentively.

Camera archives can be imported and exported via the Global Library.




The camera archive is maintained under this term in the HS/FS Expert.
Camera archives can be searched via the end point interface, where a word from the designation begins with the search word used there.


The camera is assigned here. The images are archived from this camera via the command: Archive camera image.
The image format in the archive results from the dimensions in the camera definition (Master data/Camera).

Ring memory

The number entered here specifies the maximum number of images in the camera archive. If the number is reached, the oldest image is replaced by the newest one. The maximum possible number of images in the ring memory, both for an individual archive, and for all camera archives together, is 800.

Max. memory (memory)

The number entered here specifies the maximum memory capacity reserved for the camera archive. If all the defined camera archives together occupy too much memory (more than a total of 40,000,000 bytes (~38 MB)), an error message is issued during the check. If a larger value is specified for an individual camera archive, the input is shown in red.
If the limit value entered here is reached, the oldest image is replaced by the newest one. If the specification made here is larger than the memory physically available on the HS/FS, then the physically available memory is used as the limit and the specification made here is ignored.
If the memory of the HS/FS is no longer sufficient to back up the retentive memory cyclically, images are removed from camera archives in order to create space. For more information, see Retentive memory, Section Cut off.

Max. memory (unit)

The unit for the value of the max. memory can be specified here. You can select:
  • Bytes
  • KB (1 KB = 1024 Bytes)
  • MB (1 MB = 1024 KB)
Please note that the entered value is not automatically recalculated by the program if the unit is changed!

Dead time (seconds)

After an image has been activated, the time specified here must elapse before a further image can be archived.

1.2.End point

Camera archives can be accessed via the end point interface of the HS/FS.
There is a description of the call parameters here.
Any camera archive can of course be used instead of the camera archive used in all call-up examples in the following table.

Placeholders are specified in UPPER CASE.


metaRetrieval of metadata from the camera archive.
get_listRetrieval of a list of entries of a camera archive.
get_pictureRetrieval of an image (as JSON, base64 coded) from a camera archive with specification of the image ID (supplied from get_list).
get_picture_rawRetrieval of an image (as binary blob, e.g. as JPEG) from a camera archive with specification of the image ID (supplied from get_list).


The value entered here forms the unique object keyof the end point, together with the fixed prefix "CA", with which the ID is connected by an '@' character.
Permitted characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen ("-") and underscore ("_")!
A meaningful description of the camera archive.
Camera archives can be searched via the end point interface, where a word from the description begins with the search word used there.
A list of terms, separated by commas (",").
Camera archives can be searched via the end point interface, where an individual tag completely matches the search word used there.
Permitted characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen ("-") and underscore ("_")!
User groups
This item is only available when user groups have been activated!
User groups can be authorised to access this camera archive (for reading) via the end point interface.