A scene is a list of EIB actuators which are addressed as a whole by the HS/FS. The states of the actuators can be saved, called up or sent and changed in steps.
Six commands are available for this.

The term "teachable light scene" can also be used for this,] whereby every type of actuator can be assigned (e.g. continuous controller, blinds etc.).
When learning the light scene, the HS/FS does not read the data from the EIB. The process map is always used!
When the scene is called up, all the actuators are addressed in the sequence defined without breaks.(command sequences without breaks are referred to as sequences. Actuators whose values cannot be stored can also belong to a scene. These are then set to the default value.

The list of actuators is edited using the operating buttons directly to the right of the list:
Add, Delete, Modify/Edit

Scenes can be imported and exported with the Global Library.




Designation of the scene in the project.
Scenes can be searched via the end point interface, where a word from the designation begins with the search word used there.

1.2.End point

Scenes can be accessed via the end point interface of the HS/FS.
There is a description of the call parameters here.
Any scene can of course be used instead of the scene used in all the call-up examples in the following table.

Placeholders are specified in UPPER CASE.


metaRetrieval of metadata from the scene.
learnTeach-in of the scene.
callRetrieves the scene.
get_itemsReturns a list with all the actuators contained in the scene.
offset_plusIncreases the value of all communication objects of the scene in steps.
offset_minusDecreases the value of all communication objects of the scene in steps.
list_nextSets all communication objects in the scene to the next larger list value.
list_prevSets all communication objects in the scene to the next smaller list value.


The value entered here forms the unique object keyof the end point, together with the fixed prefix "SC", with which the ID is connected by an '@' character.
Permitted characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen ("-") and underscore ("_")!
A meaningful description of the scene.
Scenes can be searched via the end point interface, where a word from the description begins with the search word used there.
A list of terms, separated by commas (",").
Scenes can be searched via the end point interface, where an individual tag completely matches the search word used there.
Permitted characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, hyphen ("-") and underscore ("_")!
User groups
This item is only available when user groups have been activated!
User groups can be authorised to access this scene for reading (left column) and/or writing (right column) via the end point interface.