SMS alert
An SMS text (SMS=Short Message Service) is put together here. It is composed of the subject line and a list of communication objects. The SMS is sent by the command "Trigger alarm" / "Alarm type SMS", whereby the recipient group is also assigned. The SMS is sent with the ISDN adapter of the HS/FS. This function is not available in every country outside Germany!

SMS alerts can be imported and exported via the Global Library.



The SMS alert is maintained under this term in HS/FS Expert.

1st line (lead)

The first line (introduction) of the SMS is specified here. No umlauts may be used!

Dead time

The time defined here expires after an alarm is triggered. During this time, it is not possible to trigger the alarm again. In this way, frequent alarms within a short time are prevented.

Max. age

If it is not possible to send an SMS for technical reasons, the data is no longer sent after the time set here.

Text lines

Text lines are defined in this list. The line is only displayed if the value of a communication object fulfils a condition. The list is edited and deleted using the operating buttons on the right.
Bear in mind the total size of an SMS. If necessary, contact your provider! If the text length is exceeded, most providers truncate the text!